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What is the Comprehensive Transportation Plan?

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) guides future transportation investments throughout Forsyth County. The CTP update examines all modes of transportation, including vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, freight, and transit. The plan identifies how best to accommodate transportation needs over the next 20 years, recommending short, mid, and long-range projects along with key partners and stakeholders integral to project implementation.

This project is funded as a partnership with the Atlanta Regional Commission, under the Federal Surface Transportation Program. 


The CTP serves as a basis for future local, regional, state, and federal funding investments in Forsyth County's transportation network.

Take a look at the plan's final documents


The previous Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2018) can be reviewed here.

What is Different About this Plan?

This CTP includes a standalone Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) which provides a framework for systemic safety improvements along local roads and results in a prioritized list of issues, risks, actions, and improvements. The LRSP focuses on the four Es of safety: Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Medical Services. It serves as a mechanism for coordination among local agencies and establishes a timeline and goals for implementation and evaluation. 

What is Involved in Updating the Plan?

The plan update occurred over four key phases prior to becoming official policy.


Phase 1

Existing Conditions - We reviewed demographic data (such as population, housing, and employment status), multimodal transportation data (including roadway and bridges, bicycle, pedestrian, and trails), and land use data as it impacts transportation. Community feedback was gathered from the public through several engagement opportunities in April and May, including a public survey, a booth at community events, and an open house meeting at the Central Park Recreation Center. This data was summarized into an Existing Conditions Report and used throughout the planning process.

Phase 2

Assessment - We conducted a current and future needs assessment utilizing the multimodal inventory of existing conditions gathered in Phase 1. We utilized a variety of modeling and analysis techniques to evaluate the following transportation components: travel demand, operational needs, safety, freight, transportation technology, active transportation (bicycle and walking trails), public transportation, and funding trends. All findings were documented and summarized into an overall Needs Assessment Report.

Phase 3

Recommendations - We developed project recommendations that respond to the identified needs from Phase 2. The list of projects includes implementation guidance such as funding sources and partners. The community had the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations in November through a second online survey and six district-centered open house events held across the County.

Phase 4

Adoption - The County coordinated with regional partners on a final review process. The final CTP Update was available on the project website for public comment before the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners considered the plan for adoption. 

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